Flag of the Republic of Serbian Krajina

Flag of Republika Srpska Krajina
Names Народна застава Републике Српске Крајине, National flag of Republika Srpska Krajina
Use Civil flag and ensign
Proportion 2:3
Adopted April 1, 1991
Design Rectangular horizontally divided tricolor of red-blue-white.
Variant flag of Republika Srpska Krajina
Use Civil and state ensign
Proportion 2:3
Adopted 1991
Design Rectangular horizontally divided tricolor of red-blue-white with a Serbian eagle defacing the centre.

}} The Republic of Serbian Krajina was a self-proclaimed Serbian entity in Croatia during the 1990s. Established in 1991, it was not recognized internationally. Its main portion was overrun by Croatian forces in 1995; a rump remained in existence in eastern Slavonia under UN administration until its peaceful reincorporation into Croatia in 1998.

Its flag consisted of a horizontal tricolour of red, blue, and white, identical to the Serbian national flag. The flag was adopted by the Republic of Serbian Krajina Government-in-exile in 2005. The government in exile seeks to gain autonomy for Krajina by gaining support from countries worldwide. Their efforts thus far have shown little results.